The following questions and answers will help you get set up for the first week of the semester.
Q1. Issues with access to Canvas or past courses; How often does Canvas update with LionPath? 

  • Students: email to report a problem or utilize other assistance available 24/7.
  • Instructors: You must be the “instructor of record” to have your courses listed on Canvas. Please check with your school to verify. If you already are but still cannot see your courses, please email to report the problem. 
  • Instructors: If you need to access the course(s) taught by a previous instructor, please have your program chair OR school director email to request course access on your behalf. The email should include the following:
    – Year and semester information;
    – Name and User ID of the instructor who taught the course before;
    – Name and User ID of the new instructor who needs to be in the course.  
    Please note that incomplete information will slow down the process. The requestor will receive a help ticket confirmation and each time the case is updated you will be notified directly. Requests like this are usually processed very quickly.

Q2. Where are my courses? 

  • Students: please double-check if your instructor uses Canvas to teach. By default, the courses are not visible to students unless the professor makes them visible to you. 
  • Instructors and Students: The Dashboard is the screen where your favorite courses (marked by a star) are displayed. If you can’t see your courses there, click on Courses from the left menu bar and then All Courses. Follow How to Add/Remove Courses to my Dashboard to manage which classes to be displayed on your dashboard. 

Q3. My students can’t see the course (or the content of the course). 

  • To make your course or specific course content visible to students, the instructor needs to publish the course and grant students viewing access to intended content items.
  • Each content item can be restricted from viewing at the three levels — at the item level, at the module level, and at the course level. Only when an item is published at all three levels, can it be seen by students. Here is an analogy to illustrate how the different levels of “publishing” works. Imagine your course is a house, each module in the course is a room inside the house, and each item in a module is a suitcase inside a room. You may have entered the house, but it doesn’t mean you can open the suitcase as you may be locked out of the room. If you are already in the house and in the room, the suitcase may still be locked and inaccessible.
  • So how to publish or unpublish an item? Just click on the circle icon next to the item. Published items or modules will appear in green.

    An image showing the buttons of three levels of publishing a course content item

    Course Content Publishing

  • Modules are organizers of content items such as Assignments, Quizzes, etc.. It is highly recommended that instructors use modules to make content items visible to students and disable the Assignments, Discussions, Files, Quizzes, and Pages links from the course navigation. This way, the only way students can see an item is through published modules.
  • Remember that modules are containers of links pointed to particular items (e.g. a quiz, an assignment), not the items themselves. To understand more about Modules and how to use them, refer to this article:
  • When the course contents are ready, you can publish the course, so that students can see all the published modules (and published items) inside the course. Here is the instruction:
  • To learn how to hide unwanted course navigation links, please refer to:

Q4. I wanted to email my students via Canvas but found I was the only one enrolled. Why? 

  • Student names won’t be listed in the address book if a course is not published. Once published,  student names will appear. 
  • Students will receive a Canvas email in their webmail account *** if you send the email from Canvas. 

A screenshot highlighting the notification settings

Q5. I emailed my students from Canvas and included myself in the message, but I never received a copy of that message. How come? 

  • You will not receive your own message if you don’t select Conversations Created By Me under Notifications. In addition, if nobody replies to the message you sent, your message will only appear in the Sent box. If someone replies to your message, then you should be able to see the chain of messages in both the Inbox and Sent.

Q6. What are the help resources for students and faculty? 

  • Students do not have teacher-level access rights in their Canvas courses. As long as the course navigation is lean and the module content is thoughtfully organized, in most cases, it is self-explanatory for students. Additionally, students can use the following:
  • Video tutorials: After July 31, 2023, Instructure-produced video tutorials will be hosted in Canvas Studio. In this spreadsheet, you will find the new URLs to existing tutorials.  
  • Training: Canvas training sessions, live or recorded, can be found at
  • Seek help 24/7: Faculty and students have 24/7 support including online chat, email, phone, or submitting a help ticket
  • Live Chat via Canvas 24/7: To access it, click on the Help button at the left bottom of your Canvas screen:

Canvas Help Options

Q7. What are the differences between a Sandbox, a Master Course, and a Manually Enrolled Course? 

  • Purpose of having a Sandbox: To have a safe testing ground or playground without affecting live enrollment or other collaborators. 
  • Purpose of having Master Courses:
    • To develop a course, alone or with others 
    • To backup an existing course 
    • To share content with colleagues and maintain consistency
    • To hold the content of a course before moving to the real course that has live enrollment; 

If you need to wipe out the entire course space, contact or Chat with Canvas Support

  • Purpose of having Manually Enrolled Courses
    • To teach a non-credit course, and manually submit grades (e.g. continuing ed. courses)
    • To teach a series of workshops, and keep records of participation (e.g. faculty development workshops)
  • How to request them online? You can follow the directions here.